Transformative Approaches
From inception, IST’s primary methodology is through Training for Transformation (TFT); envisioned to transform the mind of vulnerable women who are under gender and social oppression and marginalization, by building critical consciousness to help them take actions to change their situation. The aim of this methodology is to ensure that the oppressed need not to be oppressed forever.
It’s footprint in the East Africa region dates back to 1990s, when it was conceptualized and first initiated in Kenya and South Africa, through Catholic Churches offering group based conscientization sessions to women. Later it made its way in Uganda, with the establishment of The Institute for Social Transformation (IST) in 2006, with its training center in Busia District.

We are now building a critical mass of youth trainers in the TFT methodology who are currently undergoing the certificate course in Uganda. In addition, since working with different partners, IST has added the powerful Gender Action Learning Systems (GALS) and SASA! methodologies to its repertoire of tools to help families & communities analyze and plan their future through a process of visioning.

The Gender Action and Learning System (GALs) methodology is also a participatory approach that IST employs to integrate gender mainstreaming into its programs. It is a transformative tool designed to empower individuals especially women and marginalized groups to challenge and shift deeply rooted social norms that perpetuate gender inequalities.
GALs uses visual tools, inclusive dialogue, and collective reflection to help communities analyze and address power dynamics within households, businesses, and society at large.