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TfT Alumni

My Story

Hellen Cinderella Nawatene
a graduate of TfT 2008

“Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize the people–they manipulate them.
They do not liberate, nor are they liberated: they oppress.”
― Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Story Of Transformation

My name is Hellen Cinderella Nawatene, a graduate of TfT 2008. I currently work with a Savings and Credit Organisation SACCO as an Assistant Treasurer, and I am also a passionate Baker. My journey before TfT can only be described as one with uncertainity, living la vi da loc after University and getting employed in a financial Institution. I had not purposed myself to become a confident, committed and competent person in many areas of my life. I learnt about Training for Transformation Programme from one of the Alumni who helped introduce me to it, after getting to know her work and how the programme has helped to shape her as a person, and the whole organization where she worked I was ready to be enrolled for the course.

  • Opportunity

    I was lucky to have been chosen to join the course in Kleimmond South Africa, which to this day I cherish and praise to all and sundry that it was a better study experience as compared to my University days. I learnt personal skills in problem solving, listening and conflict management which I still apply in my day to day life and work. The team work, organization development and how to work with different groups of people in a wider society especially on how to engage on cultural, political and social aspects are a gem that I carried away from TfT to my home Country Uganda.


This programme has impacted my organization positively by helping us teach the members in a participatory way so that everyone is involved and owns the decisions made by the organization, do role plays for everyone to understand and relate with the idea or issue at hand. Our Organisation adopted to meditation and self reflection of members before we start our meetings, something that helps kick start and call everyone to attention and feel at ease. By continuously applying the principles of Action Reflection and Action, Critical thinking, Problem Solving and participatory methods in areas where I work, see the SACCO growing to the largest saving group in the country which will eventually become a Bank ,bring more members of the community to join the Organisation, members applying for bigger loans to better their lives especially the women thus reducing Domestic violence in homes.