Functional Adult Literacy & Market Women Graduation
We run a needs-based adult literacy class for market communities in Kampala and Wakiso districts in Uganda. The Adult literacy classes are conducted focusing on addressing the needs, problems, and the dreams of market women and therefore help them to learn reading, writing, counting, how to care about their health, knowing about their human rights and the laws governing them as citizens of Uganda. The classes are conducted in both English and Luganda depending on the levels if literacy. The Adult literacy lessons conducted have not only built the ability to read, write and count but also strengthened the confidence for market women and men to speak through different platforms.

Because of these classes, IST has so far graduated a total number of 88 market women and 2 men from level 1 and level 2 of adult literacy from the three markets of Nakawa, Kalerwe Freedom and Bivamuntuuyo under the Theme “Adult literacy for improved business management.”