Cooperatives, Skilling & Revolving Fund
We have built strong cooperatives with market women in Busia, Iganga, Kampala, Wakiso, Gulu, Arua and Pader with a focus on mobilization, formation, training in co-operative formation and management, conflict management and group dynamics and mentorship in the best business practices and leadership participation for market women. Eight (8) Cooperatives have so far been formed in the 18 markets of operation and the program is yet to be rolled out to the other markets.

Under this programme, we aim to transform the working conditions of women in the informal sector operating in selected markets. We invest substantially in building coalitions and networks for women working in the informal sector, particularly market women to strengthen their positions and to give them a platform to address policy makers and local authorities collectively.

Through the Cooperative programme, the groups have been equipped with different skills; craft making, liquid soap making, briquette making, urban farming and food processing/value addition which is still on a smaller scale. The Institute also capacitates the cooperative groups with a revolving fund which is given at affordable interest rates. This fund has been used by the different groups to grow businesses but has also helped group members to network socially and emotionally. In some markets, the cooperatives are used for handling GBV cases and cases of sexual harassment.