Reached Out
- Sensitized the community about rights of people to access information and services about Palliative care services.
- Formed a committed volunteer team working (Village Health Teams) to improve conditions of people affected and infected by conditions of palliative care.
- Trained community level structures for appropriate identification and referral services for palliative care.
- Encouraged women to prioritize family health and resource for palliative care services.
- Integrated broad thematic area of care for unreached through advocacy for Palliative care services.
- Designed policy document for operationalization of the organization’s visions and mission.
- Integration of palliative care practices at every level of community development ie individual, family, groups, institutions etc
- Failure to allocate resources to provide adequate care and support for those facing challenges related to chronic illnesses and life limiting conditions.
- Regular sensitization as a prevention mechanism to respond to vulnerability situations.
- Those made inferior by our cultural inappropriateness ie exclusion, stigmatization, patriarchal superiority, negligence and discrimination etc
- Difficult terrain due to bad weather.
- To further work strategically focusing on inclusion of social cultural inequities into every effort of social transformation through advocacy and evaluating the processes for reaching everyone for holistic care and support with key stakeholders.

To date, we are concluding a survey on the economic empowerment and gender-based violence on market women in Adjumani. This is aimed at understanding the in-depth issues for appropriate action for economic inclusion of women and put an end to gender based violence. Currently, we have realized the age related, perception, life styles and resource related social exclusion faced by older persons in families and communities. Now, we think through door to door advocacy and home visits we can reach them with holistic care to restore hope and dignity among them.